Page d'avis

Accrédité par le sceau qualité eKomi Bronze !

Accrédité par le sceau qualité eKomi Bronze !
La plateforme de réservation d'hélicoptères de tourisme et affaires. The first helicopter booking platform for leisure and corporate



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Excellent accueil
Less good was the organization. First, we had to wait more than 20 minutes at gate 3 and we didn't even know if we were in the right place as there was no sign. We were also frustrated by the flight duration mentioned. When booking via the website, a flight of 45 minutes is mentioned. At the welcome and “briefing” they then only talk about 40 minutes and the actual flight took just 36 minutes. The explanation that this was due to the wind doesn't really make sense. If the wind is good (and you know that before the flight), then the pilot can also do a few extra laps over the “waterfalls”, for example. To avoid disappointment in this case, information on the website would be useful! Especially when we are told that customers often complain about this. If a flight is sold as 30-45 minutes, then I am happy with 36 minutes flight time (take-off to landing). But not if I am sold 45 minutes. That is 20% less time. I don't think you would be happy if I paid 20% less either! You simply feel betrayed and a recommendation is no longer considered.
Magnifique 😍
A refaire sur un autre circuit
Dommage, nous ne parlons pas anglais,et les commentaires étaient en anglais,
45 min magnifique.
Bonne prise en main et explications jusqu’à l’appareil.
Ensuite un pilote parfait qui pilote en douceur et vous fait la visite des paysage.
Les cascades du mornes sont Magnifiques vues du ciel.


Les Sceaux eKomi